Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Journal 8

We need to continue practicing how to rhetorically analyze an image. So, choose one of the images from this week's reading and do the following: 1) identify, in a thesis statement, the argument the image is making and 2) use one of our key words to analyze it (medium, design, purpose, structure, subjects, audiences, logos, ethos, pathos, or kairos).

In your response to a peer, add to their analysis by using a DIFFERENT key term.


  1. The advertisement i chose was the "I Want to Be..." cartoon created by Jim Borgman. The argument this cartoon is making is directed towards the marketing industry. Young children, especially girls, see images of these "perfect" people and strive to become like them. I believe it is fair to argue that objects like dolls strongly influence our notions of identity. For instance, Barbie is seen as lean, Caucasian, big chested and having long blonde hair. The ideal image of the "perfect woman". Barbie is sculpted to near perfection. Men salivate and wish to meet a woman like that, girls want to look just like Barbie and have men swoon over them. And then Barbie found her perfect match, Ken. Now girls visualize Ken as the "perfect" guy and only look for males that resemble Ken's features to the fullest. Of course, it can be argued that after maturity occurs, this all can change. But for the purpose of the question, most of the younger generation are influenced. This cartoon appeals to the young girls who are tomboys.The girl speaking is the wearing a t-shirt and shorts with her hair pulled into a ponytail standing in front of a television set. The other girl represents what the other girl strives to act and become in her future. This cartoon is meant to approach the issue of peer pressure. The last suggestion the girl makes about throwing up is no laughing matter. Bulimia is very common among girls thinking they don't look "perfect" to the outside world. This cartoon could influence anyone. Depending on their personal standpoint on this issue, action might or might not be taken. Marketing products to children will always be a controversial issue. Question that arise might pertain to the purpose of the product, what the product is advertising and some subconscious affects toward children's attitudes.

  2. Dorothea Lange's Drought Refugees Camping by the Roadside, 1936 depicts citizens' disillusionment and complete loss of hope in the American dream. The structure of the photograph and its details along with the subjects chosen strongly appeal to pathos. The way the photograph is organized, directs the audience’s attention to the man first, since he is the closest and his features the most clearly defined. The man’s skin looks coarse and worn out, suggesting he is a blue-collar worker directly involved in physically demanding labor. Due to his facial expression, hair, and body position, he looks exhausted. He uses his hand to support his head and has a look of defeat rather than frustration. The audience then directs their attention to the second subject, a women and young child behind the man, most likely his wife and child. Her torn clothes and simple hairstyle suggest she is poor. She bears a look of confusion and fatigue as she holds her young child whose feet are uncovered and dirty. Her position suggests she is more anxious and concerned. The physical appearance of the family and the fact that they are laying on a single blanket above wooden boards on the side of the road makes the reader feel apathy towards them and their current condition. When put into context, the photograph speaks of a far too common story. It depicts the struggles and state of mind of the middle to lower working class during the Great Depression.

  3. In response to Bree’s post:

    I think the cartoon is targeted at an older audience, whose mature enough to understand the concept of peer pressure as you discussed and far more complicated social issues involving self image and social standards for young girls and women in general. The cartoon uses humor as part of ethos to smooth out a complicated and controversial subject, but uses in a way that adds to the argument. I think the purpose of the cartoon is to draw attention and concern towards an important subject rather than to inform or persuade.

  4. The image this week I have selected is the picture where the little Muslim girl has the Muslim Barbie looking doll called Razanne. The doll does not have blonde hair or a bikini on as a normal Barbie would, however it has the cloth that Muslim women wear over their heads and a long covering dress. The picture’s message is that every culture is different, and not everyone has to have an ideal standard to look up to or want to be like. When we are introduced to idols, we tend to strive to absorb as many positive characteristics as them as we can. Every culture can have their own idols and standards, and it shows that equality for every country should be naturally accepted. The main rhetorical device used in this photograph is the audience. It mainly targets the Muslim community, and shows that their women should be more equal to the rest of the world’s women even though they are subordinate in their own countries. However, it also applies to the rest of the world. In this sense, it shows equality for every country. Not every country should have to follow America and out standards, even though we preach equality for all. Everyone comes from a different background and each culture takes different viewpoints on every topic. The audience for this picture ranges from small Muslim girls, to the entire Muslim community, and even the entire world. Our society thrives on the ideal image of equality, and this photograph completely depicts an effective image that backs that up while also sends a smaller message to different communities.
    In response to Diego’s post, the Lange picture also has a great appeal to the audience, the American citizens. While some people may have avoided the struggle, many people were living in harsh conditions and suffered day in and day out. This photo allows the more lucky people to see what was really going on in their own times and allowed the possibility of them lending a hand to help fellow Americans.

  5. The “Got Milk” advertisement featuring BMX bicyclist Dave Mirra claims that drinking milk will make you stronger. When analyzing the ethos of the advertisement, one finds that it is very strong. The person featured in the advertisement is someone with a lot of credibility. In the advertisement, Dave Mirra says that milk is what makes him indestructible. If it was just any old person saying that, people might not take the advertisement seriously. However, due to the first two sentences in the advertisement, Dave Mirra gains a very strong amount of credibility. In the first sentence Dave Mirra says he’s a miracle boy, and in the second one goes on to explain that is because he has “survived double back flips, getting hit by a car, and the mega ramp.” He attributes surviving all of those situations to milk, saying it has made him indestructible. The advertisement also shows Dave Mirra shirtless and looking strong. Seeing him looking strong also gives strength to his character by proving that milk did help make him strong. Also, the fact that Dave Mirra is a world-champion BMX rider helps his ethos. Not everyone may recognize Dave Mirra, but to those who do, his status as a BMX celebrity helps out his ethos on its own.

    In response to Diego Gonzalez:
    I agree with what you said about the pathos of the photograph. When you look at the family in the photograph it definitely appeals to people’s emotions. I think the medium is incredibly effective. Being able to see the family definitely impacts someone a lot more than an article or cartoon about how bad the great depression was.

  6. The movie poster for "Love Me Tender" starring Elvis Presley is an attempt to argue that he is an American icon. The structure of the poster is basically an advertisement for Elvis, rather than the movie he is playing in. The first thing that caught my eye was the giant, full-blown image of the singer/actor himself, holding his guitar and apparently in the middle of a song. When compared to other movie posters, this structure seems somewhat strange because it really does not reveal anything about the movie, other than the fact that Elvis is in it. There are a couple smaller images at the bottom of the poster, showing that there may be some sort of cowboy element to the story, but that's about it. The poster also seems to have some of the color faded, which also may hint that the movie is a western, but the main focus truly is the actor. Even on the side of the poster there is text that says "Mr. Rock 'n' Roll in the story he was born to play," which is contains no form of synopsis of the movie, just more emphasis on the fact that Elvis is in it. Another interesting thing is the order in which the actors are listed. Usually, the actor of the most important character to the story is listed first, but if Elvis is actually the main character, that is not the case on this poster. It almost makes me wonder if maybe Elvis's role in the film was just as a supporting actor, but his face was plastered all over the advertisements for it just so it would sell. I have not actually seen the movie though, so I can't be sure.
    In response to Diego: I think you described all of the details of the photo really well. I think that the purpose of this photo was to show just how bad the depression really was and to stir up emotion in anyone viewing it. The details of it truly make the viewer feel the sadness that was part of the daily existence of anyone living during the Great Depression.

  7. Edward Hooper’s Nighthawk is a portrayal of an isolated city street, apart from the few lonely people sitting in the diner. New York City is known for its crowded streets full of lively spirit. Hooper’s painting offers an alternate outlook on the American life. This painting argues that we live in a world of alienation, and as individuals, we are alone. The design of this painting is a large part of its interpretation. The main focal point of this piece is the corner diner, surrounded by glass windows. In addition, the diner lacks a door. In a way, it resembles a display case, displaying the detached lives of the individuals. The majority of the painting is dark, except for the diner, illuminating the scene inside. This painting was completed in 1942, the year proceeding Pearl Harbor. Many lives were lost, so that could be a possible reason as to why there is such loneliness within this painting. The clothing also gives a representation on the time this was painted. When looking into the diner, there is one man who stands out from the others. He is the only man whose face is not visible. He is slouched over with his back facing the viewer. The couple off to the right appears to be together by their placement at the bar. However, there is a lack of interaction between the two. And then there is the older man in all white who appears to be the waiter. Again there is no eye contact made to any of the customers, so he too is “alone”. There are many factors that pertain to the alienation factor; however, it is a mystery as to why.

    In response to Bree Flowers:

    I completely agree with your post. I feel younger girls have a mindset that can be easily influenced. Individuality is not as important as fitting in. Girls want to look just like ideal woman, and will go very far to achieve this goal. The comic represents a very sad truth, present in today’s society.

  8. I chose the photo Pepsi Advertisement Featuring David Beckham, 2004. In this photo the argument is that if you drink Pepsi you will look like him. The logos in this picture can be told though the words. The words are to draw the man reader in. Whereas the picture is to draw the women in. All the words like “Dare for More” make the man want to be like Beckham. This image uses pathos by drawing you to the picture. The have a celebrity endorsing it and people see that and think it is cool. They want to be like him. The people think that though drink this they will become like him. Also women see this really cute guy and think oh I like that and then they want to drink whatever he’s endorsing. Men see the picture and think that they can look like him. If it’s a man or a woman they both can get something from this ad. The structure of this photo is mainly the picture of the guy and then the texted. The first thing that you look at when you see the ad is Beckham and then you see the words. All the words are placed low down other than the logo which is in the upper right hand Conner. This show to me that they want you to focus mainly on Beckham and nothing else.

  9. The image I choose to analyze for this Journal was the Muslim girl and her Razanne doll. This image symbolizes role models in the simplest of forms. The little girl in that picture is almost a mirror image of that doll. She is wearing the same turban around her head; she is dressed casual, yet professional, and has a modest smile just like the doll. Ultimately, this image has a purpose, and that is to demonstrate how Muslim girls should be, how they should dress, and what they should play with. The image makes an argument that the manner in which the doll is presented is how little Muslim girls should be. The image also has a second purpose and that is to show happiness in a time of great depression for the Muslim people. This image is supposed to be compared to the American Barbie and a typical blonde hair, blue-eyed sub-urban American girl. It relates to this to show the American people that the Muslim race is no harmful than those who are American. Its message is to send a theme of innocence, even at the age of a child. This image is meant to instill happiness in all of those who despise the Middle East, as this image was taken just two years after September 11, and was when we were just beginning the war in the Middle East.
    In response to mab10f’s post, the image of the Muslim girl and her doll uses kairos to prove a certain point just as I briefly touched on in relation to the images purpose. The kairos of the image is extremely important because it conceptualizes many different emotions, ideas, and problems all into one simple image. The obvious form of kairos is that the image was taken two years after September 11, a time in which the American people showed great hatred to the Muslim nation. What this picture does is change the mood from hatred to one of happiness by showing in good in a world that is portrayed to be so evil. Kairos in this image highlights on the symbolism behind this little girl and her doll to the American past time of a Barbie and the small American child. Just as mab10f commented on the audience, the Kairos of the image also uses audience because this image was intended to touch many cultures and age groups.

  10. The picture that I choose is of a Muslim little girl cradling a muslim version of a doll called a Razanne Doll. The Razanne Doll is dressed up just like a typical muslim woman. She clothes that cover up every part of her body except her hands. Also, she wears a hijab, a head covering that Muslim women wear. This version of a doll is completely different than that of a Barbie Doll. The purpose of this picture is to show how different societies differ base on their cultures. Though the Razanne Doll and the Barbie doll differ in appearance they are similar in their meanings. Both dolls represent the ideal beauty of a woman that particular culture. The Barbie Doll is tall, slim with curves, has blonde hair, and wears clothes that flatter her body. On the other hand, the Razanne Doll is wearing a long sleeved dress that covers all of her legs. She wears a head covering that covers her hair. This is very interesting to see how societies help guide young children into what they consider the “ideal” way to look. Most little girls who play with dolls try to imitate the dolls behavior. Naturally, it makes sense that different cultures will have different version of the same doll because they have different expectations. The picture really shows how much a influence a societies culture has over their assets.

    In response to Evan Kastrenakes, I agree that the advertisement was more effective because the person in the ad is well known for his athletic skills. If he was not so well known most people would doubt that he is athletic. They would assume that the company is lying in order to sell their products.

  11. The image of this man, woman, and child shows the frustration and despair of the drought refugees from an Oklahoma Camping by Roadside, Waiting for Cotton Picking. The purpose of the image is to persuade those who are living well to help those in desperate need with food, water, clothing and other necessities to keep hope alive for these people. The people that would be providing the materials for these refugees are located throughout the nation of the United States that are not victims and are the audience of this image. The medium of the image is a photograph by Dorothea Lange and was taken in 1936 which is ideal during that time period because it was a major issue and time of suffering for these people that became refugees from such a terrible drought. There are various details within this image that involve the appeal of emotions or pathos. The photograph is in black and white and shoes three people that are malnourished and dirty. They look as if they are suffering and the woman has no shame because she is breast feeding her child out in the open for others to see. He first thing that I notice before that would be the man that is just lost and feels that he has no other option to get his family out of that predicament. They are under a measly tent which shows that they don’t have a real home and there is not a variety of clothing that they can wear because there clothes looks withered.
    In response to Bree:
    The context of the image would be just how bad the “perfect” image of person affects a teenager that can be either a male or female today. There could be percentages about those who suffer from eating disorders and depression due to their issues with body image. Everyone does not like at least one thing on their body and a personal situation that is dealt with could have been used in the response.

  12. In response to Mitch's post:

    I agree with your analysis. The context of the poster advertised the fact that Elvis was in the movie. Which is still apparent today. I remember coming across a movie poster that advertised the movie "Summer's Blood" as "starring Ashley Greene from Twilight!". Interesting that the movie couldn't be advertised by the plot instead of a newly famous actress from a huge hit movie series. The movie was crappy by the way. I wouldn't recommend it.

  13. The photograph that stood out to me the most in this collection of images was Dorothea Lange’s Drought Refugees Camping by the Roadside. 1936 was a year right in the middle of the Great Depression. This photograph is depicting some of the harshest conditions people had to live under in the 1930’s and that they were in desperate need for help. First of all I think the image obviously plays to the audience’s pathos. This image is depicting a misfortunate but yet common scene of the Great Depression. This family appears to be living under a blanketed canopy alongside the road with nothing but wooden benches to serve as furniture and a tree for cover and protection. Personally I was immediately drawn to the mother and child at first. Many would say that the man in the picture would be the focus because he is up the closest to the camera, but the natural feeling from the mother and child is what caught my attention. The picture of the rugged, labor working man looks as though he were posed for this photograph with him even having a slight smirk. But the obvious fear and raw emotion in the eyes of the woman and child clutching on her clothing is what I believe to be the main focus, even though they are somewhat in the background. Also adding to my idea the man is not the focal point is that although he may be closest to the camera, the mother and toddler are right in the middle of the picture. When looking at this picture, the audience has no other choice than to feel compassionate towards them. No one could imagine living in such conditions.

  14. In Response to Bree:

    We learned that often time’s humor is used to form ethos when discussing sensitive subjects. That is exactly what I think the illustrator is using in this cartoon. I don’t agree with the audience you decided it was targeting because I don’t think young girls understand the real meaning behind it. It is true that it is drilled into young children’s minds that the perfect girl looks just like Barbie and the perfect guy looks just like Ken, but at that age we really aren’t concerned about boys are girls, we all thought boys had cooties! So the audience that this is targeting is obviously for teenagers or adults. It is meant for us to open our eyes and recognize that the media has influenced our culture and how we see beauty.

  15. The image that I chose is the Got Milk image that features a BMX bicyclist Dave Mirra. The argument that this image is making is that if you drink milk, then you get look like Dave Mirra, who in the image looks very fit. Although Dave Mirra does bring credibility, most people would not know who he is. When I first looked at the image, I wasn’t sure exactly who the person was, but the audience would notice his fit body and would assume that drinking milk will get you a body like his. The advertisement continues to use ethos as you start to read what the advertisement says. Dave Mirra is quoted by saying that they call him the miracle boy and mentions that he has won gold medals. He also talks about he is so indestructible because milk helps prevent broken bones and that it can help you break records. All of this makes the ethos in the image strong and credible. The audience that this image appeals to are young adults, teenagers and athletes. Athletes ultimate goal is to go to the Olympics and win a gold medal, which Dave Mirra has done thanks to milk. Also, because he is shirtless, the audience can see how strong and physically fit he really is and he credits all of this to milk. I think that this image is successfully in grabbing the audiences attention and the image holds a lot of credibility.

    In response to Bree Florwers,
    I agree with your post, except that instead of the audience being targeted at little girls who are tomboys, I think the audience is a bit older because little girls don’t really understand this concept. I think the fact that it is a cartoon makes a bit comical and grabs the attention on the audience effectively.

  16. For this weeks journal, i'm choosing to use the Pepsi advertisement featuring David Beckham. The argument this advertisement is making is that if the audience purchases or drinks pepsi and pepsi products, they'll become powerful and fearsome, as David is portrayed in this ad. the structure of this ad is pretty effective, as the most prominent aspect of the ad is David in the gladiator outfit. Upon further inspection, we see the pepsi logo embossed into his armor, and the familiar red white and blue logo in the top right corner. In the bottom right, the simple slogan "Let Battle Commence" imitates the broken English that brutish characters usually adopt, further enhancing the fearsome demeanor of David. The advertisement also uses light to make David's features more intimidating and stern, creating shadows and contours on his face and body. With the overall picture of a fearsome gladiator and the subtle logo of the pepsi company embossed on David's armor, audiences male and felmale alike beleive that by buying and drinking Pepsi products, they will achieve the fame and glory of David.

    To mitch, in addition to structure, the audience also plays into the success of the ad. Elvis's primary audience consisted of females who were attracted to his good looks and sultry voice. with a title like "Love me tender", elvis plays to the fantasies of these girls of marrying Elvis.

  17. For this journal I chose the picture of David Beckham dressed as a warrior advertising for Pepsi. This image is trying to get across that if you drink Pepsi you will be a warrior like David. The purpose of this picture is to persuade people to drink pepsi by portraying a big time celebrity like David Beckham as a very tough warrior. You receive this by the way David is standing. He is standing with arms out popping out his chest showing dominance and strength. This makes him look very tough and as a warrior just like he is dressed. I then noticed his face; his face has a very stern look. This shows that he is fierce and that he is tough just like a warrior would be back in the day. The tone of his skin also adds to this because it is very oily and looks like it has been in the sun. This shows that he has been out fighting and that he has been in action adding to the fact that he is a warrior. This has a very big influence on the audience it is presented too. By portraying David as a warrior they are presenting him as the ultimate man. I believe they chose a warrior because a warrior is a symbol for strength, courage, toughness, and loyal. By putting David in a warrior outfit and making him advertise for Pepsi they are saying if you drink it like he does you will be able to be just like him and have all the same characteristics he has. This is a very good marking too. You are appealing to a wide variety of people from athletes, to teens, to women who find interest in David, and males who would like to have all these traits that David has. This picture would not be as effected if it was a out of shape male because you would not feel that he is a warrior but when presented David you see him as a warrior and this lets you think in your head that if you drink pepsi like David does you will be similar to him and this process of advertising in the long run will increase sales of the pepsi product.

    In response to Diego Gonzalez:
    The purpose of your photograph is to portray the harsh and rough times that families had to face during the Great Depression. This photograph is not her to persuade but just to inform you of the harsh conditions faced by many people in the 1930’s. This has a influence on many viewers by showing how rough it used to be for some people in these times and can make a person realize how lucky they are to have what they poses today.

  18. For this journal I chose the image by Dorothea Lange, Drought Refugees Camping by the Roadside, 1936. In this picture the structure of the subjects appeal to pathos to illustrate the family’s helplessness and lack of money. The first subject that catches the audience's eyes when looking at this image is the man who is in front and closest. He is resting his head upon his hand seeming as if he is tired and giving up. Also, since he is so close his feature are clearer, you can see he is very dirty inferring he has been on the side of the road for a long period of time and has not showered. Behind this man is what seems to be his wife and child. The woman's clothes are worn and torn implying she has no money or other clothes. She also has a look of sadness on her face and is looking out as if looking around for some type of help and hope. Another key subject that strongly appeals to pathos is the image of the child on the woman's lap. The child has a terrified look on his face and is grabbing on to his mother for protection. When an audience sees an innocent child suffering it breaks their heart and makes people want to make an attempt to help. Other details in the picture, for example, the family sitting under a tree and on sitting on wood illustrate how unfortunate their current home is. All of these details and structure evoke sorrow and realization that there were many families going through this situation and struggle during the Great Depression.

    In response to Bree Flowers: I think the audience for this cartoon is all of American society. Young girls and even older women strive to look like Barbie and supermodels today. I think Jim Borgan appeals to pathos by building bridges. Having a Barbie as a child is something the majority of America can relate to and understand why she was looked at as perfect. I also think the Barbie's in the cartoon are pictured as happy and posing a sexy position showing how beautiful Barbie's are where as the two young girls are dressed as tomboys in sneakers and t-shirts. This implies that if you are skinny, have blonde hair, and have big breasts you will be happy and acceptable in society. This cartoon also uses humor as a form of ethos to talk about a serious situation that is becoming a huge problem in society.

  19. Drinking milk builds strong bones and beautiful people. The subject of this advertisement is the professional BMX bicyclist Dave Mirra drinking a glass of milk. This advertisement uses ethos effectively in the text on the bottom because the text explains how Dave has been through many accidents and has survived. The text literally gives credit to milk for Dave being indestructible and alive. The advertisement is very credible though because he is a professional. There is also a scar in the middle of his abs (I think it’s a scar). It looks like he has been through an accident, which may have broken his ribs, but Dave has strong bones from drinking milk so he has recovered. Through everything he has been through, he says he owes it all to milk.
    Also, the design is perfect. There is Dave in the middle holding a tipping glass of milk, which brings your eye to it. Right below the glass is the words “Miracle Maker”. There is the milk mustache and he is also shirtless so this advertisement turns into sex appeal as well. Dave is also holding his bike with his other hand, which makes him look very professional and “cool”. The lack of clothing and muscular body also draw woman into looking at the ad. It is also a beautiful day, and there is a plain background so the focus is directly on the subject.
    In response to Bree Flowers, I think you depicted the ad well. Issues like self-confidence and toys like Barbie both press at young teens and children. Perfection is always meant to be seen in Barbie and Ken and trying to look like them is a goal impossible to reach. By looking at the setup of this ad, you can see the baffled look on the girl’s face, but I’m not so sure this is reflecting directly with peer pressure. The girl sitting is not influencing the standing girl to do anything; she is just already sucked into the media herself. There is indirect peer pressure though, and direct pressure from the media.

  20. I choose to analyze Razanne Doll and Muslim Girl. This image focuses on the Muslim girl being able to idenitify with not only her heritage, but also have an icon to emulate. The doll’s attire is one of tradition that correlates with what the Muslim society has made acceptable for females to wear. The main purpose of this image is to allow the Muslim girl an icon in society that resembles them. Not everyone identifies with the blonde hair, blue eyed Barbie. This is due to the fact that we all have different features, backgrounds, traditions, and styles of living and that this standard Barbie does not adequately represent all of us. Therefore the making of different ethnic barbies have proved to be a great way for society as a whole to understand and acknowledge the vast differences of the world and the Muslim Barbie is a new addition to the collection. Kairos are definitely another major factor in this image. This image was taken in 2003. In 2003 the Taliban was dismantled and the oppression of middle eastern women was diminishing. The idenitity of the muslim female was starting to become apparent. Therefore a doll that represented them and who they are in society may have been a product of these events. Furthermore, the Muslim doll may also symbolize these women as major presence in society and that these women are also strong individuals that can also be idolized and admired.

    In response to Tatiana Bedoya:
    The Got Milk? image also appeals to logos. It appeals to logos too because it makes sense if you if you eat correctly and exercise some type of way then you will look fit like Dave Mirra.

  21. The advertisement that I chose to critique was the Dolce & Gabanna perfume photograph. It has caused an abundant amount of controversy because some say that the advertisement has an aspect of violence and others think that it is offensive. The argument I provide is that the advertisement is providing the audience with a provocative and interesting take on the idea of purchasing an item that transforms you into something else. The woman in this advertisement provides pathos to the audience, an intense emotional appeal that causes them to explore their imagination and grasps the possibilities of what if. What if I purchased this item, as a woman would men flock to me? And as a man would I want a girl to wear it so that I will have to fight off other men because of how attractive she is? The direction that the photo takes your mind you see that all the attention is on the woman, and frankly she does not even care. She realizes the possibilities right in front of her and ignores them. Thus, the perfume also allows the embodiment of self-confidence. So, if you purchase this item you will either be the one who is drooled over, give it to someone that you are attracted to. Either way, your life will greatly improve in the sexual activeness so you should buy it. Overall, it nonetheless will definitely add an element of edginess to your life, which everyone could use.
    In response to Bree Flowers…
    All aspects of this advertisement point to controversy. I agree, marketing to young and very easily influenced children can be extremely dangerous. Girls are already very self-conscious of their bodies and their appearances, putting the “perfect” woman in front of them in comparison can cause long term emotional problems, especially the comment on bulimia. Girls at a young age should be healthy yes, but they do not need to be on diet plans and feel that they have to throw up meals to appeal to men. Girls at that age should not have to even worry about that, they should be jumping from trees and getting bruises, no caring if they appeal to the opposite sex. Let them be young while they can, do not deprive them of their childhood with fears of appearance.

  22. I chose the image “Razanne Doll and Muslim Girl”. I chose this image because I feel like it makes an argument that needs to be talked about, the difference between different cultures and how we could be more sensitive to other’s values and beliefs.

    1.This image argues that not every little girl has the same role models as the typical little American girl because of one’s culture or beliefs through its visual structure.

    2.I chose structure because it stood out the most among all the key words. It stands out most prominent in the picture. The Muslim doll is on the table as the little Muslim girl looks up at her from her seated position on the floor. First the fact she is looking up at a doll that isn’t “Barbie” shows that not every little girl has the same role model in life. She is literally looking up to something that symbolizes what is important in her life, being Muslim, and respecting her customs. Where most girls play with the curvy blonde we all know as Barbie because of our deep sense of Americanism. She is the same only with her religion. The picture is shot in a way that shows part of the problem and also represents some of the Muslim values. Muslim women are taught to be submissive and the little girl is seated on the floor looking up. The doll represents the little girls respect for her way of life.

    In response to Mitch Thompson:
    I agree with your analysis of the movie poster. Elvis being the center of attention on the movie. I feel like they did this to capture their audience’s attention. Elvis was very popular, in fact an icon during the time of this poster. They probably focused on Elvis because he knew it would bring in all the gushing girls and all boys who wanted to like him. Elvis is just a selling point for the movie. All the attention made upon Elvis is strictly a profit seeking tool.

  23. I chose to use the Jim Borgman's comic, "I Want to Be...." The comic is making a commentary about how little girls, or women in general, thrive to be like Barbie. They dye their hair, get implants and will go to extreme lengths to stay thin, including taking on an eating disorder. The fact that she's also talking about Ally McBeal, shows how much influence celebrities in pop culture have on girl's self image. The comic is almost poking fun at the idea, putting it in a humorous light by trivializing it and compacting it into one sentence. The artist maintains his ethos for the picture by including his signature, which is familiar to comic readers, as he is a prolific for his comic strip, "Zits." He also includes his newspaper's name, the Cincinnatti Enquirer, which allows for the viewer to search for more information or other comics, and gives credibility to him for writing for a reliable paper. His ethos can also be drawn from the comic's subject itself, since the content is a familiar topic that affects many Americans, making his argument that girls want to be like Ally McBeal more true. His use of a (at the time) popular figure also lends him ethos as many of the audeince would be familiar with her name.

    In response to Diego:
    I believe that as well as using the subjects and appearence of the photograph, you could also comment of the kairos of the photo. The fact that draught refugees during the Depression are being photographed would also make the photo more poignant to the audience since they too are experiencing hardship in the 1930's. The depression was a rough time for everyone, but shedding light on how very rugged it is for a family living by the road during a drought could be even worse than just being out of work in a city. The photograph is very time oriented, as the audience of this photo today may not feel the compassion for the aubjects that they may have in the 1930's.

  24. I choose to analyze the cartoon of the two sisters. In the cartoon one of the sisters is sitting down playing with a doll while the other appears to be more of a tomboy wearing boy’s clothes and having a ponytail. The tomboy sister claims she wants to be thin and pretty, so she must go vomit her happy meal. In the background a large T.V. is present I believe to show that this girl is being influenced by popular T.V. programs and movies into believing she must be skinny like a model to be pretty. Thesis statement: Young girls today do not have to be skinny and look like movie stars or models to be pretty. The audience of this cartoon is targeted at young adults, more than likely with young children. The audience must be old enough to realize what bulimia is, if they have young children this cartoon may help show the importance of ensuring your child that they do not have to look like a model in order to be pretty. The lengths that some young girls will go to to achieve “beauty” is absolutely ridiculous, and popular culture media is largely responsible. The design of this cartoon helps its effectiveness. For one the author is a well known humorist cartoon artist, secondly the large T.V. in the background really helps emphasize how modern culture is putting bad ideas into young girls heads today, such as vomiting meals in order to get skinny. As I have discussed the subject of the cartoon is pressure on young children to look like models and actresses, too many girls believe that this is the only “pretty” look.

    In response to Evan:
    You do a great job of explaining the ethos of the Dave Mirra “Got Milk?” advertisement. I think a good key term to also analyze would be the audience. The audience can range to almost all ages of females. Mirra has a solid build and is shirtless, provoking sex appeal to all women. The way he is standing with a bike is not a very sexual pose but the fact that he is built and not wearing a shirt is enough. The audience also ranges to males, more young men though. Many young boys look up to Mirra as a BMX icon, others who do not know him will still admire him for being big and muscular. Also BMX riders of all ages look up to Mirra, he is one of the best riders to ever live.
