Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Journal 6

It's time to think about counterarguments; in other words, how do we address and present opposing views? To begin, consider the excerpt below. In response to the question "Should animals be kept in zoos," Jack Hanna, Director Emeritus of Columbus Zoo, answers affirmatively since zoos provide both education and conservation. Read his response below and provide the counterargument. So, like you did for your issue question and working thesis statement, what opposing claims and because clauses can you come up with to argue that animals should not be kept in zoos? Write your answer in paragraph format rather than a bullet list like we did for that assignment.

"Zoos have to educate the public about the value of animals so that they understand the importance of conservation. After a fun experience at the zoo, people leave with a newfound knowledge and understanding. How are they going to learn these things if they don’t get to see the animals? Zoos and aquariums give people an appreciation for the animals. They need to see, listen to, and smell an elephant. Viewing an animal on TV does not give a person the same kind of love and respect for the creature as seeing it in person does.

The Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) is the major accrediting body for zoos in North America . AZA’s standards require excellence in animal care and welfare, conservation, education, and research before a zoological park is eligible to receive their stamp of approval. Accredited zoos all over the country are actively supporting conservation projects in the wild. Most zoos are actively involved in numerous projects to preserve and rescue a wide range of endangered species from elephants to amphibians. In 2007 alone, the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium raised over $716,000 for field conservation. Because of tireless conservation efforts, species like the snow leopard and the mountain gorilla have overcome near extinction and will have the opportunity to see future generations."

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Journal 5

Using what you learned about introductions from The Curious Researcher reading, check out the feature article in Beyond Words on page 50, "Watching TV Makes You Smarter." Think about how the opening of the piece is structured. How does the author include a hook? How does the author address the context and background information? What is the thesis? Where is it located? In your response to this journal, I want you to give some thought to the first several paragraphs of this piece. It's a short article, so you may want to read the whole thing, but you will at least need to read up to subheading "Revised Intelligence" to answer this journal effectively. It is important, however, that you reference specifics from The Curious Researcher in your answer.